Can My 2009 Tax Extension Be Filed Online?

Forgetting to file your taxes by the April 15th deadline can be a very scary thing. It’s easy to imagine your future financial troubles: losing your car, your house, going into debt, or having to file for bankruptcy. What’s less easy for people to imagine is something like the 2009 tax extension form: an easy, simple to fill out form that lets you pay the IRS later.

I know, I know. You won’t believe me because the words IRS and easy being in the same sentence doesn’t compute in your brain. But it gets even easier: you can actually file your 2009 tax extension form online! Here’s the how and why:

The IRS wants your money. Point blank. But part of wanting your money is making sure you’re actually able to pay it. Otherwise you ignore it, don’t pay them until years later, and cause a lot of legal hassle for everyone. The lass problems you cause for the IRS, the easier it is for them and you. So they like to make thinks easy, which is why the have stuff like the 2009 tax extension form. They want you to pay, even if it’s in October.

So if you’re even considering being late on your taxes this year, or if you were already late on your taxes, something like the 2009 tax extension form is a must do. It keeps you from getting in trouble and gives you more time to figure out the rest of those forms. Because, of course, even though you have the time to do your taxes later, you still have to do them that year. The 2009 tax extension form is not a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Fortunately lots of companies offer 2009 tax extension filing services online. And many offer other years as well. The benefits of working with an online filing service are that it’s cheap, quick, and easy to follow along with. There’s no reason to stress over forms you don’t need to–so paying a bit for help makes a lot of sense.

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