IRS Rejection Codes

If the IRS rejects your tax return, these codes will explain what went wrong

Getting your tax return rejected by the IRS can mark the outset of a serious freak-out session. Thankfully the process of correcting and re-submitting your return often turns out to be fairly painless.

When you attempt to e-file a return and it gets rejected, the IRS will send you a code which tells you exactly what’s wrong with your return so you can fix it and e-file it again.

This is just another of the many reasons why it pays to e-file. If there’s a problem with your return, you can correct and re-submit your return instantaneously not only ensuring accuracy but making sure that you get your refund as soon as possible.

If your return is rejected, find your rejection code either on the short list of common rejections below or on the complete list at the bottom of the page. Then correct the error on your return and re-submit it to the IRS. Continue reading “IRS Rejection Codes”